(Although i'm not counting for it..huhu)
Happy New Year to all my dear friends!
Wish you all the best.
My 2009 was so great, hope 2010 is greater!

One of my targets in 2010 is successfully pass my practical...yeah!!
(suddenly bersemangat..hehe)
Honestly, I'm not really prepare teaching the kids,
but I'll try my best.
Wish me luck guys!!!

P/s : Good luck to all my dear friends too! Practical make perfect..hehe..
yup...insyaALLAH qla!! =)
wow..i didn't know that you had ur own blog..
cute blog and i'm following u...
yeah! InsyaAllah makyah!
dekyah..thanx! still new with this, need lots of guidance..hehe..
dun tell me yg itu gmba kamu yg tgh mengajar..huuhuhu..sudah jd cikgu.. :)
haha..choi not yet la..tu gambar mane2 cikgu, fibi men amik je..wish me luck ea choi!
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